Neighbourhood Alert Development Board Summit 2024

We are delighted to be hosting this year’s Neighbourhood Alert Development Board Summit taking place on the 18th and 19th November at the Nottingham Belfry. 

Following on from the huge success of last year’s National Community Engagement Conference co-hosted by Humberside Police, we will be focusing on embedding outstanding collaborative practices and sharing emerging innovations. 

The summit is aimed at our existing clients who already hold a Neighbourhood Alert license, to help you understand what tools are available to achieve your public COMMUNICATION, community ENGAGEMENT and PARTICIPATION objectives. 

Covering key areas across all facets of policing and community safety, including NPCC and local presenters covering a variety of topics: 

· Neighbourhood policing 

· Problem solving 

· Clear, Hold, Build 

· Seldom heard communities 

· Building public confidence and trust 

The Summit will help highlight how the platform will help front line officers with operational tasks and local priorities, senior officers to have clear oversight, corporate communication teams deliver relevant and timely campaigns, and OPCCs and community safety partners to understand local communities and priorities. 

As spaces are limited, early registration is recommended.  To secure your place, please complete the following questions.

Salutation / Rank
First name
Please provide an answer
Please provide an answer
Organisation (Force Area)
Please provide an answer
Role title
Please provide an answer
Email Address
Please provide an answer
Phone Number
Are you planning to attend the networking sessions taking place between 10:30 and 12 noon on Monday 18th November?
Please provide an answer
How would you most prefer the networking sessions to take place?
If there was one thing which was 'must have' for the Summit, what would that be?
Do you have anyone you would love to see on the agenda lineup? If so, please specify.
We are always looking for good practice and case studies. Do you have anything you would like to share at the Summit and would like us to get in touch to discuss?
Do you have any accessibility requirements? If so, please specify to ensure we can accommodate your needs.

Thank you for completing this short registration survey. 

Please assume you have secured a place by return and more details will be circulated in due course including dietary requirements and menu choices. 


Regards, Kate Algate, Strategic Director,